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Isle sur la Sorgue and its river

Art and culture on Isle sur Sorgue, near Avignon

L'Isle sur la Sorgue is a wonderful little Provençal town, surrounded by water. You will love its charm, its typical paddle wheels, its pretty bridges, its baroque church. All along the quays there are terraces and cafes.

For many years, antique dealers and second-hand dealers have chosen it as their stronghold. Many bargain hunters come to glean the object or piece of furniture of their dreams.

Its famous market on Sunday morning, typically Provençal, is enchanting!

Mecca of culture, stroll through the pretty maze of streets entwined by the canals where art galleries, the Campredon museum, the Filaventure, the Villa Datris, etc. flourish. ..

We love the sweetness of life in Isle, lulled by the song of the cicadas, its traditions, its festivals linked to water, fishing, flea markets, painting. We are in Provence!

The freshness of Provence!

Celebrated by the greatest poets, from Petrarch, who resided at Fontaine de Vaucluse, to René Char, the Sorgue is above all the symbol of osmosis between men and the surrounding nature.

The banks, the quays, the wash houses, the water wheels, the canals and the fishermen with their strange boats called Nego Chin constitute the scenes of a marvelous daily theater.

Fishing, agricultural production, wool and silk factories, local festivals and games: the course of activities at 'Isle sur la Sorgue has always been linked to that of the river.

In the city, it is nice to stroll along the quays and wander following the water.

Along the Sorgue!

When you discover Isle sur la Sorgue, how can you not fall in love with it?

We can only come back to it. Wander or let yourself be guided:

- Downtown interpretive trail to the watershed,

- Walking and cycling trips along its canals,

- City visits with guide from the Tourist Office and nature visits with the Sorgue ambassadors.

Isle sur la Sorgue, the Comtadine Venice! It’s also 300 days of sunshine per year! 

L'Isle sur la Sorgue, World Village

With us, positive spiritis the key word.

We share the collective dream of making our “World Village” the laboratory of the positive city of tomorrow, through the implementation of a civic, sustainable and altruistic approach to development of our territory.

Discover the “Village-world” manifesto for tourism!

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